This is a classic Montessori activity, where children match the correct cylinder to the block space. This is a self-correcting activity; i.e. if the child has made a mistake, they will be left with a cylinder that does not fit, after placing others in incorrect spaces. This allows for great problem solving.
This activity helps children to learn the concept of height, size, colour, counting and shapes. It also enhances fine motor skills, spatial reasoning, dexterity (pincer grip development) and hand coordination.
This is a leveled activity:
Level 1 = Red (focusing on width only)
Level 2 = Blue (focusing on width and height -widest and lowest ascending to thin and high)
Level 3 = Green (focusing on width and height -widest and highest descending to thin and low)
Level 4 = Yellow (focusing on height only)
Level 5 = Introduce a combination of blocks to work with at one time. (blue and green together is tricky)
Recommended age: 16 months +
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